Wednesday, February 6, 2013


today i was texting with this guy

and I promised him I would blog today and then told him to choose the topic.
I did blog today and I will blog about kid time... but I need more time.

love you, stupps.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

new years hotties

sometimes it takes a few tries before you have an insta-ready picture.

none of these made the cut.
this is also probably why we have like 10 pictures together. 

holiday cheer

okay, guys. I'm preparing a "bunch" of posts... I should probably be careful with the word "bunch" because it likely means like 3-4 posts. 

in the meantime, please enjoy this holiday postcard image for the postcards we decided we would not send for the holiday season that ended at least 17 days ago.

but seriously. stay tuned. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

giving thanks

In the spirit of continuing to embrace any and every cheesy aspect of a holiday, and also to jump-start my return to blogging, I present 30 things I love (and am therefore thankful for) on this Thanksgiving Eve (not really in any order)  

matt’s pillow because it smells like him

matt because he smells like him and is him

marriage and all of its lessons

pie. and also making pie.

smart, quick, adorable and shedding Dori. Because she follows me everywhere and loves us so much.

hilarious phone calls with drew. NOTHING makes me laugh like reminiscing with that guy.

daily emails with J, Sh and Q

daily gchats with S and occasional ones with others

instagram for exploring

the handful of remarkable women in CO who are my extended family and give me the honor of calling them my friends

and also the new ones in UT

coffee in the morning and herbal tea at night

movie previews


fresh flowers

my job and all of its weirdness

my parents. duh.  and the rest of our crazy family

matt’s family for being the easiesttolove in-laws ever

blow pops

space heaters, heated blankets, hand warmers, etc…

every single one of my zillion favorite songs

things that smell like Christmas trees (real or manufactured)

Michigan (especially Ste. Sault Marie)

meditation (thank goodness for meditation)

Aveeno skin care (haha – but seriously  - ALL THE MONEY and time I have spent trying to find  the perfect skin care, it was sitting on the shelf at Target the WHOLE TIME

Gap curvy size 4 and size 6 skinny jeans (depending on the color…WTH?) either way, SO  GRATEFUL

the new bathroom in our basement (HALLELUJAH)

Honda CR-V heated seats

Yogplait coconut and pomegranate greek yogurt.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

it seems

I have not been blogging.
it also seems I keep forgetting to mention this band and song. 
No, for once I was not the last to know, but I am the last to share.
please enjoy this song and neat video you have likely already been enjoying.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

birthday bowlin'

I'm pretty sure I have spent at least 23 of my 29 birthdays bowling.  I do not plan on changing that tradition.

phone picture birthday bowling "collage"

it was such good fun. 
I am sad that I didn't take pictures of everyone who came.